Satisfying Setlists and Christmas Wish Lists – Gig Gab Podcast 194

Your weekend warriors love gear as much as the next musician, so they each take some time to talk through a few things on their Gigging Christmas Wishlists. But first, it’s time for a few discussions. Do you have trouble memorizing your lyrics? The guys talk through their tips and strategies for that… as well as commiserating about how difficult Read more…

Know Your Place Amongst Your Fellow Musicians – Gig Gab Podcast 193

Does multitasking work? Wait, what were you doing? You were listening to Gig Gab. Press play to resume hearing Paul and Dave talk through how to know – and respect – your place amongst your fellow musicians. Lots to sort through here, folks, and your two favorite weekend warriors get the job done! 00:00:00 Gig Gab 193 – Monday, December 10, 2018 Read more…

Managing Your Holiday Season Calendar & Stomp Boxes Revisited – Gig Gab Podcast 192

Managing calendars during the holiday season – especially December – is tough. Listen to how your two favorite weekend warriors are each addressing their December scheduling dilemmas. Then it’s time to revisit the concept of vocal stomp boxes – and stomp boxes, in general. Your comments helped open Dave’s eyes (and mind!) on these, and he and Paul share their further Read more…

Nashville and The “Rinse” Lesson – Gig Gab Podcast 189

Paul visited Nashville and Dave visited the dentist. One of those things happened in the last week, even, but never fear: they both resulted in relevant stories for you, our listeners. A quick conversation about leverage finds its way into the show, and using it to negotiate non-zero-sum outcomes. And listeners Mike (yes, two of them) have things in the Read more…

Managing Relationships with Clubs, Owners, Bands, and Fans – Gig Gab Podcast 187

What happens when a new manager takes over at a club where you’ve already got dates booked? Your answer to this question will undoubtedly impact your band’s future bookings. The good news is that you are in control. Listen to advice from Paul and Dave as they share experiences and tips with you! 00:00:00 Gig Gab 187 – Monday, October Read more…

Trumpets, Tubas, and Squirrels – Gig Gab Podcast 186

When the Amazing Super Duper Squirrels meet their arch nemesis, what does that mean for the number of female tuba players available for your next gig? This, folks, is an example of the important questions that Paul Kent and Dave Hamilton, your two favorite weekend warriors, dissect on Gig Gab! Oh, also, how to make your drums sound their best. Read more…

Believe First, Negotiate Second – Gig Gab Podcast 185

If at first you don’t succeed, it’s worth asking, “did I believe?” Well, did you? Gig Gab might help. First, Paul and Dave talk through some of their gigs, both recently and upcoming, as they’re both doing some different stuff that detours from the norm (is there really a norm, outside of Cheers?). Ever have to do a gig without Read more…

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