The Glass Ceiling for Cover Bands? – Gig Gab Podcast 214

Your listener feedback this week brings Paul and Dave to some interesting places, first talking about the shortage of keyboard players, and wrapping up with a conversation about the glass ceiling for cover bands. But first, your two favorite weekend warriors got a chance to play together last week, so there’s a lot to talk about there, too, including the Read more…

What’s Your Scene? – Gig Gab Podcast 212

Real estate agents and musicians share a common truth: location matters. What’s your location like? What’s your scene like? Has it changed? Have you stopped recently and really evaluated what you’ve got around you? That’s what Paul and Dave do to start today’s show. Then it’s on to listener feedback, where Dan shares some great advice for insuring your instruments Read more…

The Martini Metric – Gig Gab Podcast 210

When you find an episode that has great catchphrases like “Woodshedding The Breaks”, “Stay Humble and Hungry”, “One Note per Word”, and “The Martini Metric”, you know it’s gonna be good. Listen as Paul and Dave, your two favorite weekend warriors, have a verbal jam session in which they not only discuss these things but relate them all together. Press Read more…

Down the Musical Wormhole: Reflecting, Reacting, and Reading – Gig Gab Podcast 209

Today, your feedback and emails send Paul and Dave down the musical wormhole to explore topics like reading music, dealing with sound reflections, and reacting to a crowd that’s not reacting to you. Listen to your two favorite weekend warriors discuss all this and more. Press play, listen, learn a little, and enjoy the ride! Then send in your own Read more…

Gig Gab MailBag: Get Your Eyes off Your Pad – Gig Gab Podcast 208

This week finds your two favorite weekend warriors doing something they love: Digging into the mailbag! Listener Matt asks about using iPads on stage, which seems is always a hot-button topic. Eric’s curious about guitar amp simulators, Chris has a question about managing two guitars in a band, and Peter has a question Paul and Dave never thought they’d have Read more…

Care and Feeding of Your Instrument – Gig Gab Podcast 206

Your instruments are important to you, so you’ve got to take care of them – and that includes your voice. Paul and Dave talk through some recent troubles Dave’s been having, and then move on to properly caring for your audiences, too. It’s important to understand who your audience is at each gig, and what their expectations are. Sometimes it’s Read more…

SXSW, Singalongs, & Filling Your Setlist – Gig Gab Podcast 205

Dave’s back from SXSW and has a few stories to share about bands he saw. First, though, he and Paul talk through expanding your setlist, specifically from the angle of purpose. Why are you adding the songs you’re adding? Are they the best way to serve your band’s show? Lastly, a tip from listener Michael about creatively using wireless transmitters Read more…

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