Comfy Slippers – Gig Gab 229

Comfy Slippers – Gig Gab 229

There’s a point you can get to with a band where playing together feels like putting on your favorite comfy slippers. Things are happy, things are smooth, and you have room and confidence to conquer the stage. But what happens when the slippers aren’t comfortable anymore? Or aren’t even there? Well, your two favorite weekend warriors talk through all of Read more…

Confidence, Inclusivity, and Nightlife Crowds vs. Music Lovers – Gig Gab 227

Confidence, Inclusivity, and Nightlife Crowds vs. Music Lovers – Gig Gab 227

If your band can successfully employ the concept of intentional inclusivity with your crowd, you are destined for success. Listen as Paul and Dave open up this topic, and then send in your own thoughts to [email protected]. First, though, a conversation about subbing percolates to the importance of confidence. No matter where you are, you’ve gotta be able to rock Read more…

(Re-)Creating Your Base of Club Gigs – Gig Gab 226

Have you ever had it where all the clubs you’re playing suddenly no longer want bands anymore? If you haven’t, you will. Thankfully, Paul and Dave have each been through it, and have some words of wisdom to share on the subject. First though, let’s talk about a few scenarios for hired guns out there, and how the right approach Read more…

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