Dave's Duct Taped bass drum head for Gig Gab 292

Duct Tape to The Rescue — Gig Gab 292

Gear Gab and Rant Gab and Celebration Gab all at the same time equals what? It equals Gig Gab, that’s what! Listen as Paul and Dave talk through Duct Tape, blissful ignorance, honing ones craft, and Lights/Camera/Editing on a budget! Your two favorite weekend warriors share some of their new, old, and upcoming favorite gear, too. Press play… and always Read more…

Dave Hamilton's drumstick with message "Don't Think...Just Concentrate" for Gig Gab 291

Don’t Think, Just Concentrate — Gig Gab 291

‘Don’t think so much… just concentrate.’ These were the words Jaco said to a young Peter Erskine… easier said than done, but oh so right! Listen as Dave and Paul talk through their own versions of these, especially as it relates to truly learning the music you’re playing. Then it’s on to discussing pricing ourselves as musicians as we begin Read more…

Gig Gab 290 episode image with Han Solo and Luke Sywalker

Don’t Get Complacent, Get Uncomfortable — Gig Gab 290

Before too long, what was once challenging becomes normal and comfortable, even if the music you’re playing is universally agreed to be “challenging”. So.. what to do? Focus on your discomfort, that’s what! Paul and Dave talk through this and share some recent experiences they’ve had in this department. Then it’s on to picking songs for your band, including a Read more…

Music Rehearsal Room Gig Gab 287 Episode Image

Keeping Your Band Together — Gig Gab 287

So much goes into keeping a band together: the songs, the schedules, the money, the personalities, the politics. Oh, wait, that’s right… we keep politics out of this show. Well, then, how do Paul and Dave deal with Mr. Axe’s question this week? You’ll just have to listen to find out! Press play and hear your two favorite weekend warriors Read more…

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