More Microphones Than Cents – Gig Gab 311 episode image

More Microphones Than Cents – Gig Gab 311

Your favorite weekend warriors had a revelation: It’s easy to have a lot of microphones! Listen as Paul and Dave answer your questions about gear, including in-ears, mixers, and PA speakers (the microphones were their idea!). Also on the docket: the sacred space that is band rehearsal. Listen, learn, and enjoy. Oh, and send in your feedback, too! [email protected] is Read more…

Musical Connections - GG 310 episode image

Bands and Connections – Gig Gab 310

Music connects us all, but how do you define the connection between you and your audience? You and your bandmates? Listen as Paul and Dave discuss, dissect, and even debate a few aspects of all this. Press play, enjoy, and please remember: always be performing! 00:00:00 Gig Gab 310 – Wednesday, June 30, 2021 00:02:34 Bitter Pill — There’s something happening Read more…

Savor The Moment — Gig Gab 308 episode image with tasty music on a plate!

Savor The Moment — Gig Gab 308

Remember all the great gigs you’ve played? Guess what… your next gig could be one of those! Your favorite weekend warriors talk about creating those new memories by fueling your tank with the old ones. Dave watched “What Drives Us”, Paul saw Springsteen in the Killers’ new video, they’ve both been experimenting with Facebook to promote things, and they share Read more…

Man with cans-and-string on his ears - Inexpensive Gear, In-Ear Tricks, and a little Frank! – Gig Gab 306 episode image

Inexpensive Gear, In-Ear Tricks, and a little Frank! – Gig Gab 306

When can you buy off-brand gear and still get the quality you need without breaking the bank? Paul and Dave talk about a few experiments they’ve recently performed and their results with not-the-name-brand stuff. Paul added a little Frank to his set recently, and it opens up a conversation about how to approach collaboration, in general. As Paul says, “a Read more…

Brian Geller giving his best David Lee Roth scowl, Gig Gab 305 episode image

Brian Geller: In-Ear Monitors, Tribute Bands, and More! — Gig Gab 305

Brian Geller, singer with Van Halen tribute The Atomic Punks (oh, and with a day job at Ultimate Ears) joins the show today to talk in-ears, tribute bands, and oh so much more. Listen as Brian shares his tips with Paul and Dave about getting a good in-ear mix, selecting the right in-ears, how to keep your voice strong throughout Read more…

Guitar player and checklist. What's On Your Gig-Packing Checklist? — Gig Gab 303

What’s On Your Gig-Packing Checklist? — Gig Gab 303

As we’re getting back to playing gigs again, we might’ve been practicing our instruments through pandemic, but most of us haven’t been practicing setting up and tearing down for gigs. It stands to reason that those first couple of gigs out might have some logistical rough edges! With that in mind, do you have a gig-packing checklist? If so, what’s Read more…

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