Gear Gab, Rehearsal Structure, and More — Gig Gab 320 episode image

Gear Gab, Rehearsal Structure, and More — Gig Gab 320

When your band rehearses, what’s the expectation of everyone coming in? Is there a minimum bar to hit, or a high bar to beat? Listen as Paul and Dave talk through their experiences with band rehearsals over the years. But that’s not all… Gear Gab is never far away, and this week we talk microphones and pick-up patterns and monitors Read more…

What is a Successful Gig? — Gig Gab 318 episode image

What is a Successful Gig? — Gig Gab 318

While you’re playing…how do you define success? Is it seeing people dancing? singing? paying you money? What are the metrics you use? Hear your two favorite weekend warriors share some of their own success stories from this weekend’s gigs. Then it’s time to talk about a few logistical issues with gigging… getting setup, balancing your monitors (in-ears!), getting in touch Read more…

What's Your Band's Image? – Gig Gab 315 episode image

What’s Your Band’s Image? – Gig Gab 315

Have you ever stopped to think about how “the crowd” perceives your band’s image vs. how you perceive yourselves? It’s an interesting exercise, and sometimes it’s thrust upon you. Listen as Paul and Dave talk through their experiences with this. Dave had to dig into the backup-bin while his IEMs were in the shop, and had an interesting revelation about Read more…

Jan Hammer Talks Mahavishnu, Emerson, Hendrix, Jaco … and Getting the JuJu Happening! — Gig Gab 68 Revisited Episode Image

Jan Hammer Talks Mahavishnu, Emerson, Hendrix, Jaco … and Getting the JuJu Happening! — Gig Gab 68 Redux

Let’s go back five years together, shall we? Gig Gab was just a year old, and we all were just finding our footing here together. We had the pleasure of having Jan Hammer join us for a conversation in Gig Gab 68, and with both Paul and Dave out for a two week stretch, we figured this was a perfect Read more…

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